It’s almost here…SIG.ECG – the next generation of ECG monitors!

So our ECG pad is ready.

I’ll let the images speak for themselves.

I’ll let your imaginations tell you where it would be most useful.

But think, no leads getting in the way or falling off. Think of the time saved in echo labs and clinics.

What does it give you?

  • leads for a monitored bed (ED, ICU, CCU, stepdown, etc).
  • a continuous 9-lead ECG. Sure, “it’s not a 12 lead,” but it doesn’t stop you from ordering one. And from my understanding of ECGs (let’s check with Steve Smith maybe?), I think that if you are isoelectric (ST-wise) in 9 leads, the chances of missing a STEMI are…somewhere between slim and none.
  • no problem with a gown, extra adipose tissue or sweat – those help if anything.
  • yes, the patient can be on his or her side, no problem.
  • infection control? they’re gonna love it.
  • eco-conscious – just wipe and reuse!


Yes. For those who don’t realize that an electrical signal is an electrical signal and that the challenge is to obtain it, two studies are underway to compare it to the current gold standard traditional ECG.

Bottom line?

First deliveries anticipated mid-2018.

We’re looking at about $5K apiece. Final price TBA and will vary with bulk orders. Expected to last years – so actually cheaper than all the leads we throw away.

The first run will be limited.

When it’s officially available for pre-order, how many do you think you would want? 😉


